By the nature of its business, Vnesheconombank does not have a direct material impact on environment. The core resources consumed by the Bank to support its office operations include electricity, heat and water. Still, in line with the best practices of Russian and international financial institutions, Vnesheconombank is embedding the green office principles into its operations considering this as an important sustainability task.
In 2013, Vnesheconombank continued developing its corporate environmental policy seeking to make the management of environmental aspects of the office operation more efficient. As part of this policy, Vnesheconombank will implement certain practices that are both directly related to operating processes and aimed at building a robust corporate environmental culture.
Objectives of the corporate environmental policy
- Build a system tracking the environmental impact by administrative and business operations.
- Implement environmentally efficient technologies.
- Build the organisational framework to implement the corporate environmental policy.
- Promote the environmental thinking.
- Promote environmental responsibility values across the Russian business community.
Vnesheconombank’s environmental policy is based on the “lifecycle” approach defined in ISO 26000:2010 Guidance on social responsibility international standard which aims to reduce the environmental impact at all lifecycle stages: from procurement to service life expiry and disposal.
Vnesheconombank tries to minimise the environmental impact of its general and administrative operations in the following key areas:
- green procurement policy providing for universal environmental requirements to goods, works and services purchased by Vnesheconombank and environmental friendliness criteria met by suppliers;
- sustainable resource use through administrative mechanisms and technologies for efficient electricity, heat, water, paper, and commodity consumption and through the streamlined use of corporate vehicles;
- waste management by reducing waste and increasing the share of recycled or processed waste and by identifying alternative uses of decommissioned property;
- tracking of environmental expenses that includes capital and operating expenses of Vnesheconombank, including expenses related to waste disposal, investment in energy saving equipment and technologies, improvements to the environmental management system, and fees payable for adverse environmental impact.